Mitt Romney: "I Like Being Able to Fire People"

Consumers really know how to shop for goods and services. Having options to save money or ask for better services comes second nature to us. If we like or dislike something we usually take actions accordingly. This is a process that we move away from things we do not like, also known as firing, and moving towards things that we do like. Why is health insurance any different?

American's truly do not have enough 'skin in the game'.  The more skin we have in the game, the more control we have in working with people or companies we like.  This allows us to have a choice on keeping your situation the same or making a change.  We do it for restaurants, groceries, hair cuts and insurance.

Every week I receive at least one phone call my client telling me they found a facility with same credentials and cost less money or provides a better service or credentials for about the same cost.  Shouldn't you have that choice to 'fire' who is not providing you the services or cost to your liking?  Or would you rather be at their mercy?

Take a look at your current situation with your health insurance, especially if you are self-employed or you own the company.  Is there anything you would like different?  Is there anything you would like to remain the same?  Wouldn't you like the choice in firing a carrier or service to more closer to what you want as a business?  

Video: Mitt Romney talking to Nashua Chamber of Commerce this morning.