Things happen at a moments notice. Take a look at the destruction of Hurricane Sandy. With certain things in life, we do not have a second chance. Everyday, people are so busy. They put things off that do not produce immediate pain. This decision could be life or death, literally. If you were to lose household income due to the loss of a loved one, how would you maintain your family's standard of living?
Hurricane Sandy came in hard, heading for the northeast coast. The people living in that area had advanced notice to prepare, despite the tragedies. Hurricane Sandy is a good reason to be prepared, but not everything can be done in three days.
There are hundreds of deaths just from car accidents every year in Chicago. I'm sure major cities in the country are pretty close in comparison. The families that suffered a loss did not wake up that morning knowing they would have a death in the family. If they only knew, they would make adjustments to avoid it. Rightly so. This is proof that things happen at a moments notice. Preparation for the worst is key to maintaining your family's standard of living.
Going through a detailed analysis is essential to financial planning. Many families are "short changed". This is when someone does not buy enough life insurance to maintain their family's standard of living. Now that they are gone, you cannot change it. You also lose the income they brought to the family. The family is stuck with this loss, emotionally and financially.
According to LIMRA, (Life Insurance and Market Research Association) three in ten households in America (35 million) are uninsured and half say they need more life insurance. That is eighty-five percent of households in America claim they are underinsured or have no life insurance in place. Many are turned off when it comes to life insurance. Some spouses are terrified about dealing with the issue because of the fear of not having their loved one around any longer. This will comeback to haunt you in the long run.
Insurance advisors will help do a complete analysis to make sure your family maintains the standard of living you are currently enjoying. If you are not in a position to afford the proper amount of insurance, take small steps towards those financial goals. By having set goals, you are able to review these goals on an annual basis with your insurance advisor. Another good time to review these goals is when something changes in your life. This can be when you change jobs, income changes, you lose your job, have children or grandchildren, divorce, marriage, and so on. This will help you stay on top of your family's financial need to maintain your standard of living for years to come.
Butch Zemar